Dear supporters and animal lovers,
We are sure you are already following our cats and dogs stories on FB. Nevertheless, here’s our little fall report:
Our amazing cat group managed to spay&neuter 29 female and 35 male cats in the last 3 months. We also had the honor to host amazing dr. Virna Cavalli from Italy again in October and got extra 22 female and 8 male cats sterilized. In just 3 days dr. Virna also performed 3 mouth operations with teeth removal, 2 eye operations and one eye removal. Moreover, several cat check-ups and treatments were done. Another round of street cats got their tickets for a better life!

Our little group of volunteers took care of numerous sick cats and kittens and helped them fight calcivirus, stomatitis and enteritis. A lot of lives have been saved – but unfortunately not all of the cats and kittens in our care made it. We are all learning to do our best and never give up – and trying to stay detached from sometimes heart-breaking outcome as well.
A small, dedicated dog volunteer team is taking in dogs for foster and after care constantly. Continuing with our TNR program and answering emergency calls also means us constantly seeking for new places for short term dog after care. Sometimes this logistics seems almost impossible.

In the past 3 months we treated several dog injuries and infections, amputated one not so happy tail and continued with our TNR program by sterilizing 19 female and 3 male dogs.
After a lot of ups and downs in Egypt three lucky girlies: Nina (now Eska), Phoebe and Meno finally jumped into their new life abroad. We wish all of our rescues would be as fortunate!

You can follow each individual story on FB – thank you for supporting our cause and spreading the word. Dahab is by now known as one of the most animal friendly – if not the friendliest – cities in Egypt and this didn’t happen over night. Thank you for walking this path with us – for them and community as a whole.