Animal Welfare Dahab
Let’s make it happen!!
Animal Welfare Dahab
In early October 2010 an Egyptian animal rights organization based in Cairo came to Dahab to conduct a TNR project (Trap, Neuter, Return). 58 stray animals were neutered (sterilized). Valesca Fordham and Britta Steiner supported this project by organizing the daily routines and assisting during the surgeries. It quickly became clear that the overpopulation of street animals in Dahab cannot be fought by sporadic neutering projects only. The nonprofit initiative Animal Welfare Dahab was born and rapidly got encouragement and support from Dahabians, tourists and supporters all over the world.
What does Animal Welfare Dahab try to achieve?
Anyone who has visited Dahab has a story of sick kittens, or a bedraggled puppy that they made friends with or were accosted by. The life of the stray cats and dogs in Dahab can be extremely tough. Not only is it a struggle to find food, but also many of the local population do not like dogs in their vicinity for various reasons. As elsewhere in Egypt, Dahab’s population of street animals is quite high. Until 2014 it was custom to poison or shoot these animals in order to try to control the population. Since 2014 the City Council has stopped all poisonings and is supporting Animal Welfare Dahab and its method of controlling the street animal population.
Animal Welfare Dahab relies on an animal friendly long-term solution by neutering animals on an ongoing basis in order to keep the street animal population under control.

Animal Welfare Dahab and TNR
The focus of our work is on neutering animals in Dahab. The team of volunteers runs an ongoing program of neuterings, which are performed by the local vet, Dr. Amira Nabil.
At least twice a year a TNR project (T-trap, N-neuter, R-return) is organized with either Egyptian and/or European vets participating. Every time this project runs, 40 to more than 100 cats and dogs have been neutered. The combination of both the regular – throughout the year neuterings – and the TNR projects makes it possible to neuter a large number of animals.
Partners of Animal Welfare Dahab
Stichting Zwerfdieren in Dahab
The local veterinarian, Amira Nabil, is indispensable for Animal Welfare Dahab: she’s neutering, vaccinating and treating wounded and sick stray animals every day of the week.
Cogges Veterinary Surgery
Since 2014 Cogges Veterinary Surgery has been supporting Animal Welfare Dahab by sending a vet team to perform TNR projects once or twice a year. They also support Animal Welfare Dahab with funding, equipment, medication and necessary advices.
Horse Aid Dahab
Horse Aid Dahab (formerly Dahab Horse Initiative) is a small charity now operating under the established group of Animal Welfare Dahab, an official charity registered to operate in Egypt. Read more about Horse Aid Dahab
Egyptian NGO ESMA
Egyptian NGO ESMA (Egyptian Society for Mercy to Animals)
Animal Welfare Dahab is affiliated with the Egyptian NGO ESMA (Egyptian Society for Mercy to Animals).
Donations and Funding

Our work is made possible by donations and funding. Your donations enable us to help the street dogs and cats in Dahab to get a better life! With your contribution we are able to give them a worthy existence by performing TNR, give the animals the necessary vaccinations and medical treatment, and raise awareness about animal welfare among the local population. By making a monthly donation, you’ll be helping tens of animals in Dahab. Your contribution, either large or small, is very welcome!
Name bank: ING Bank
IBAN: NL17 INGB 000 752 1385
Account name: “Stichting Zwerfdieren in Dahab”
Place: Soest, The Netherlands
Would you like to support a dog – but you don’t have any options to take him into your house? Become a remote rescuer!
You can choose any of the dogs that stay with one of our fosters in Dahab.
A remote dog adoption costs 15 €, but remember: any monthly amount helps a lot! Payments can be done easily by Paypal recurring payments.