We are late with our Spring&Summer of 2020 blog. This year has simply been a roller-coaster!
In February, when all the world started going into Covid measures mode, and struggling with it’s challenges, we weren’t sure, if and how we’ll be able to keep up with our initiative. As if this wasn’t enough, a tragedy happened. Janet Johnstone, the keeper of the Dog Wadi in Dahab passed away, and left 200 dogs to care for behind.
We were afraid of what will happen to the dogs, especially in these insecure times for all. We asked for permission to enter the Wadi, and started caring for dogs there daily, all under authorities’ supervision. Dog database, necessary medical treatments and neuterings, and most of all getting the dogs adopted within Egypt, or prepped to travel abroad – this is what a small team of volunteers has been working on in the past months. By the end of summer 140 dogs were left in the Wadi. They are still being cared for daily. Hopefully we’ll be able to continue flying the friendly and fit ones into their new homes abroad, and caring for the elderly and shy ones here until the end of their days. If you have a chance to support our efforts – check how you can make it count.

Abandoned dogs in the streets of Dahab
It happens every summer – the streets suddenly become full of unknown dogs being abandoned by their owners while visiting Dahab. Majority of them are found in heat, or injured. In Dahab FB groups alone there was an abandoned dog posted every third day during the summer months. Half of these dogs were breed dogs, unfit to survive in the streets, or even dangerous due to their strong prey drive. Street dogs, sheep and goats were attacked and injured by abandoned owned dogs. Besides this, new puppy litters flooded the streets – because there is still a number of dog owners who refuse to prevent their dog from getting pregnant, or even have a dog breeding business.
We’ve managed to get most of the adult abandoned dogs neutered, and some of them adopted.

Working with the local vet Dr Amira, we neutered over 50 street dogs (mostly females) by the end of August this year. Besides TNR, we’ve done quite some emergency care – learn about the amazing Braveheart (RIP), Mr Montana from Canyon, adorable Quattro, and others on our FB page.

When the whole world seemed to stop, we suddenly had to buckle down and give it a 110 %. There was no space for quitting, doubting, fear, or even rest. We’ve learned by now that sooner or later it all pays off.
We are looking back at October 2010, when the first TNR action took place in Dahab, and we are happy to say that after 10 years we are still going strong. Thank you for being by our side, sometimes making the impossible possible.